180 Markham Rd.

York Condominium Corporation 41

Frequently Asked Questions

Need An Answer?

Please email us at yorkcondo41@rogers.com and we will respond within 1-3 business days.

How Can I Book An Elevator?

All deliveries and moving of large items require use of the service elevator as per YCC#41 Rule #44. Please complete 'Elevator Booking Form' and return it to the YCC #41 Office with $100.00 deposit. Forms are available on the YCC #41 office door file or on the website (see forms). Moving in or out of the building and deliveries are permitted only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday (except Holidays). There is no moving on Sundays or Statutory Holidays. The time limit for usage may not exceed 3 hours. Bookings must be 72 hours in advance.



There a $100.00 cash deposit required to use the service elevator. Deposits must be paid to the YCC #41 Office during Office hours.


How to Book an Elevator:

  1. Complete ‘Elevator Booking Form’
  2. Drop off Elevator Booking Form and Deposit in the YCC #41 Office during Office hours.  


How Do I Get My Deposit Back?

  1. The elevator will be inspected for damage after use.
  2. If there is no damage done to the elevator the deposit can be picked up in YCC #41 Office during Office hours.



Note: The elevator will not be put on service without the deposit received or the completion of the booking form, there will be no exceptions.

How Do I Dispose of Large Items?

Bulck pickup items can be disposed of on Monday – Wednesday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Items are to be placed in the assigned area of the visitor's parking lot. Booking of the Service Elevator is required.

What Type of Payment Do You Accept?

We accept all payment via cash, cheque, money order or e-transfer.

Please contact the YCC #41 Office for e-transfer details.

How I Can I Use The Pool?

The Pool will be open seasonally, from the end of June to Labour Day.

All Residents who wish to use to the pool, please pick up pool tags from YCC #41 Office. Please Note: No one will be allowed admittance to the pool without a validated pool tag.





How Do I Purchase Additional Keys?

All keys (FOB, MEDECO, Gym Room Mailbox and Locker Keys) can be purchased directly from the YCC #41 Office.


Please find cost of keys noted below:




*Medeco Key                                             $100.00 ($50.00 refunded)

*FOB                                                          $100.00 ($50.00 refunded)

Gym Room Key                                          $50.00 ($50.00 deposit)

**Mail Box Key                                         $40.00

**Locker Room Key:                                         $5.00

**Pool Tag Replacement:                                  $5.00

**Laundry Card Replacement:                          $5.00




* Owner must keep two keys. Refund only on extra keys.

** No refunds.


*The Owner must retain two FOBS, two MEDECO keys, Locker Room keys and Mailbox keys.

How Do I Register A Guest To Park In The Visitor's Parking Lot?

Register a guest in visitor’s parking for a 24 hour period by calling Peregrine Security Consulting Ltd. at 416-236-6516. The following information must be provided in order to avoid being issued a parking violation. If any of the information below is missing, you will be ticketed:


  • Address and Unit Number of the Resident
  • License Plate
  • Make of the Vehicle
  • Date
  • Time


Please note, a license plate may be called in only10 times a month.

If you recieve a parking ticket in error, please contact toronto.ca/aps for screeening review request. 

Where Can Lock Boxes Be Placed?


Please note that Lock Boxes used by your Realtor when selling your unit are not allowed on YCC #41 property as per York Condominium Corporation No. 41 Rules & Regulation No. 2 which states: The corridors, lobbies, stairways and other parts of the common element are designed for passage, and shall be used for that purpose only and shall not be obstructed [...]. Please be advised, if your Realtor places a Lock Box anywhere on the property, it will be removed and disposed of. The Corporation is not responsible for the loss of your key, damage to your Realtors lock box and/or disruption of showing of your unit if the Lock Box has been removed. It is up to you to make arrangements for your Realtor to have the key.

Lock Boxes are only permitted on your unit door.

When Are Renovation Permitted?


Renovation work is only permitted in units during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday – Saturday. Renovation work is not permitted on Sunday and statutory holidays. A Renovation Form must be completed prior to any major repair is undertaken in your unit.

Note: Forms are available from the office; Please see By-Law 18 Section 12.1

How Do I Rent An Additional Parking Space?

There are a limited number of parking spaces available in the underground parking garage. Please ensure you rent additional parking spaces as required before purchasing a new vehicle. Contact the YCC #41 Office to inquire about parking spaces available for rent. RRental of additional parking spaces is at a first come first service basis.

What is FOG and How Do I Prevent It? What Is the Cooking Oil Project?

FOG (fats, oils and greases) should never go down the drains. FOG is a cooking byproduct from meats, lard, oils, shortening, baked goods, dairy products, sauces and dressing…etc.


How to dispose of cooking oils in 2 Easy Steps!


  1. Collect used cooking oil in a container.
  2. Bring container to the garbage room and place on the floor beside the collection bin.

The Superintendents will empty the cooking oil into the container for you. York Condominium Corporation No. 41 has made arrangements for used cooking oil to be recycled environmentally friendly fashion at no charge to the Corporation.


How to dispose of FOG Products?

All other FOG products should be disposed of in the green ‘organic’ waste bin. Once pot and pans have cooled, scrape FOG into the organic bin before washing dishes.

Owner's Guide for Maintenance

Electricity: Guide for Maintenance


Owner’s Responsibilities:


  • Outlets
  • Light Fixture / Light Bulbs
  • Fuse Box / Fuses / Mini Breakers


Condominium’s Responsibilities:


  • To bring electrical power from hydro vault to the fuse box.


Power Goes Unit in Part of the Unit?


Fuse is blown. Contract electrician to change the fuse or reset breaker. Do not overload outlets by plugging in to many devices at once.

Power Goes Unit in Entire Unit?


Contact YCC #41 Staff.

Unit is drawing so much electricity is has blown off the main grid. Do not overload outlets by plugging in to many devices at once.

Require Assistance?


Contact a licensed Electrician to change outlets, light fixtures or to repair or install fuses / mini breakers.


Plumbing: Guide for Maintenance


Owner’s Responsibility

  • Faucets
  • Sinks
  • Toilets
  •  Showers
  • All Pipes After Shut off Valves (This includes kitchen pipes visible under sink, and the pipes to the toilet and shower behind the wall).


Condominium’s Responsibility

  • To bring the Water to Shut off Valves.
  • Shut off Valves in Bathroom(s) and Kitchen.
  • Mainline and Common Element Pipes




Toilet or Sink Clogged?

Sink Not Draining or Backing Up?

(mainline pipes only)

Contact Licenced Plumber to Snake Pipes.

Call YCC #41 Staff.

Toilet Seal Leaking?

Contact Licenced Plumber to Changed Toilet Seal.


Low Water Flow in Taps or Shower Head? No Hot or Cold Water?

Contact Licenced Plumber to Change Cartridge or Faucet or Replace Galvanized Pipes.


Heating: Guide for Maintenance



Owner’s Responsibility


  • Thermostats
  • Heating Zone Valves

Condominium’s Responsibility


  • Radiator Pipes




Low or High Heat in Unit / Broken Thermostat?

Contact a licensed HVAC to                  change thermostat and/or heating zone valve.

No Heat in Unit?

Contact YCC #41 Staff.



Doors / Locks and Windows: Guide for Maintenance



Owner’s Responsibility


  • Door Locks
  • Interior Doors
  • Broken Windows /Screens*

Condominium’s Responsibility


  • Unit Front Doors
  • Balcony Wooden Doors
  • Balcony Storm Doors




Lock is Broken?

Contact a licensed Locksmith

Problems with Front Door or Balcony Door

Contact YCC #41 Staff.


  • Damage done to unit’s single use common elements will be invoiced back to the Owner.

York Condominium Corporation No. 41 Emergency Safety Policy: Residents

York Condominium Corporation No. 41 Fire Safety Policy: Residents

•             Upon Hearing Building’s Fire Alarm


All Residents should wait instructions from Toronto Fire Department.

You must be prepared to protect yourself from smoke entering your unit. Use duct tape to seal cracks around the door and place a wet towel at the bottom of the door. Seal vents the same way.

•             Upon Discovery of Smoke or Fire

Alert occupants and leave the fire area.

Close all doors behind you.  DO NOT LOCK DOORS.

Activate the fire alarm system, use the pull station.

Call the fire department by dialing 9-1-1

If the fire is not in your unit, call 9-1-1 and tell them where you are and then move to the balcony. Close the door behind you. If you cannot get to balcony go to more smoke free room in unit and close the door and seal it with tape and towels. If necessary open the window for fresh air. Show emergency personal where you are by hanging a sheet from your balcony or window. Keep low to floor where the air is cleaner. Listen to instruction from Toronto Fire Services.

If You Choose to Leave the Building / Exit Via Stairwells: DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR. If there is smoke in an area, do not enter.

Check the door to your unit.  Before opening any door, feel the door handle and the door itself, If the door is not hot, open it slightly. If you see or smell smoke, or feel or hot air pressure or see smoke, close the door quickly. If the corridor is free of fire or smoke, take your keys, close the door behind you, and leave the building by the nearest exit stairwell, again closing all doors after you. If you encounter smoke in a stairwell, consider taking an alternate stairwell. Be sure to crawl low under smoke. If the alternate is also contaminated with smoke, return to your unit. When you are safely outside call 9-1-1. Never assume that someone else has already done so. Make sure you give your name, the correct address and location of the fire.


1. Never attempt to exit via the roof. Smoke rises and the roof access doors are locked.

2. Never use elevators when fire alarm is sounding.

3. Do not go back into building until Fire Department says it’s safe to do so.


York Condominium Corporation No. 41 Emergency Safety Policy: Residents

Power Outage: If there is a power outage the emergency lighting system will engage for 2 hours. The elevators will not be functional. Water will not be able to reach your unit.

During an outage:  Unplug computers, televisions, stereos and other electronic equipment that that may have been left on at the time of the outage to prevent damage caused by power surges when the power is restored and stop possible sources of ignition. Leave a light or radio on so you will know when power is restored. Never use barbecues, propane or gas heaters or portable generators indoors. Do NOT use candles.

 When Power is Restored plug in only the most essential appliances first, and wait 10 to 15 minutes to give the electrical system time to stabilize before connecting everything else.

After power is restored, try to limit electricity use to help relieve potential strain on the system.

If you rely on any life-sustaining equipment/apparatus, develop an emergency back-up plan that will ensure the equipment/ apparatus is operable in the event of a power outage

Emergency Preparedness: The City of Toronto recommends each Resident be prepared with 72 hours of emergency supplies that includes all the things that you need, such as: Enough drinking water for three days (4 litres per person per day),  A battery powered or crank radio and flashlight,  Batteries,  three day supply of non- perishable food that meets your dietary needs, including food for infants, children, seniors, and pets if required,  Manual can opener , First aid kit,  Hand sanitizer,  Prescription drugs, medical supplies and special equipment and  important contact information for your healthcare provider(s), caregiver(s), emergency contact or personal attendant(s), or your service animals’ veterinarian, and a detailed list of all prescriptions.

Evacuation: In additional every member of your household should pack a Go Bag — a collection of items you may need in the event of an evacuation. A Go Bag should be packed in a sturdy, easy-to-carry container such as a backpack or suitcase on wheels. A Go Bag should be easily accessible in case you have to leave your home in a hurry. Do not leave your pets or service animals behind.  Consider packing your cell phone, laptop, tablet, chargers and battery banks. Clothing and toiletries for each family member.  Formula, bottles, diapers, favourite books, games and toys for infants and children. Dot Not Leave Pets Behind. Pets may become lost and/or not survive on their own. Bring food and water, medications, favourite toys, identification tags and licenses for your pets.  Bring your leash/harness and pet carrier. Toronto Animal Services 416-338-PAWS (7297) works with homeowners during emergencies to provide options for dealing with pets.

 If evacuation is required, let someone know that you’ve left and where you can be found. Turn off your lights and appliances (except your refrigerator and freezer, stove). Lock your doors.

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