180 Markham Rd.

York Condominium Corporation 41


    Window Replacement Project Assistance Request

    Window Replacement Project


    Please fill out the form below by if you require assistance preparing your unit or would like a security guard to be present in your unit during in unit construction.

    Please note, the charges associated with these services are not included in the common element fees and are the Owner’s responsibility.


    The Board of Directors of YCC # 41



    I,  _______________________ (owner) of Unit #_______ request the following service (s) and understand  the cost of these services are the Owner’s responsibility to pay:


    [  ] Assistance Preparing Unit Before Installation ($45.00/ hour +HST Per Person)


    [  ] Assistance Restoring Unit After Installation ($45.00/ hour +HST Per Person)



    [  ] Security Guard During Construction ($21.21/hour +HST)





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